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2024 Exhibition Programme – GAM, MAO, Palazzo Madama

Fondazione Torino Musei presents the 2024 exhibition program of the GAM – Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, MAO Museo d’Arte Orientale and Palazzo Madama – Museo Civico d’Arte Antica.



With its collection of over 50,000 works from the 19th century to the present day, the GAM is a historic institution, able to associate rigour with changes of gear, a place of inclusion with a lively spirit. With each season the various exhibition projects will give rise to resonances echoing among its collections, exhibitions and events.

GAM Exhibition Programme


Italo Cremona. All the rest is the depth of night

24 April - 25 September 2024

An anthological exhibition devoted to the work of Italo Cremona (1905-1979), an independent surrealist. In collaboration with the MART, and composed of eighty works, the exhibition itinerary will be structured chronologically with the inclusion of certain constants, his favourite subjects (pistols, representations of dreams, façades of buildings and female nudes).


Expanded — The Landscapes of Art Photography from 1839

3 May - 8 September 2024

On the occasion of EXPOSED, The Festival of Photography, the exhibition presents works from the GAM’s own funds belonging to the CRT Foundation for Modern and Contemporary Art. Part of an exhibition project that observes photography from three different angles, the result of a collaboration between Castello di Rivoli, GAM and OGR, the exhibition gives an account of some important passages of the Italian history of photography devoted to art.


Berthe Morisot

16 October 2024 – 9 March 2025

The exhibition celebrates the painter, in the year devoted to Impressionism internationally, in collaboration with 24 ORE Cultura. It will present its links with the poetics of movement and her personal tone in capturing the fleeting nature of the instant, symbolizing the fragility of existence, looking back over the seasons of her light, sometimes surprisingly elliptical and modern style, capable of capturing elements of nature and reality so gracefully.


The Collection and the Living Storeroom

16 October 2024 – 9 March 2025

The living legacy that is the historic collection of the GAM will place its own stamp on the exhibitions that will return to reverberate in the fabric of the Collections in parallel themed layout designs.
A part of the collections will be presented in a Living Storeroom: certain funds from the artistic stock will be displayed, offered as a space of germination of ideas and research. The varying of its layout, as for the collections, will involve the contribution of artists and young curators, making the Museum a laboratory of continuous experimentation.


The Intruder: Stefano Arienti

16 October 2024 – 9 March 2025

The first artist called upon to enter into a dialogue with the Collections, the Living Storeroom and the historic exhibition, fitting within the museum’s exhibition body as a counterpoint.


Mary Heilmann

30 October 2024 – 15 March 2025

This will be the first exhibition in Italy to present the work of this extraordinary U.S. artist in a complete way. The exhibition will look back over her joyous production, from the first works of the 1970s to her latest creations, touching the key phases and core themes of her work, where each chapter/room offers the excitement and a certain chromatic sound of that period.


Maria Morganti

30 October 2024 – 15 March 15 2025

The first major anthological museum exhibition devoted to one of the most influential artists on the Italian painting scene.
The exhibition will be developed as a single performative installation consisting of the slow depositing of time and colours.
In the work of Maria Morganti it is existence that leaves signs of its passage through coloured materials. “In itself my work has the experience of colour, colour understood as physical entity, as trace of life”.



Inaugurated in 2008 at the historic site of Palazzo Mazzoni, the MAO Museum of Oriental Art in Turin hosts one of the most important collections of Asian art in Italy and in Europe: around 2500 works from the Neolithic Age to the early 20th century divided into five galleries, each corresponding to a cultural area, in addition to more than 1400 finds from excavations from the pre-Islamic period from the Iraqi sites of Seleucia and Coche.

The Museum offers itself as a meeting space, a living place, an experimental environment for the activation of the collections through an extensive programme of temporary exhibition projects, concerts, performances, conferences and workshops.

MAO Exhibition Programme


Tradu/izioni d’Eurasia

until April 7

The exhibition Tradu/izioni d’Eurasia explores the concepts of translation, transposition and cultural interpretation, winding its way through a selection of objects coming from Western, Central and Eastern Asia that make it possible to approach phenomena such as the material and non-material circulation, modes of transformation of meaning and fruition that have occurred between Asia and Europe over two thousand years of history. Investigating the migration of ideas, forms, techniques and symbols, in an open and inclusive dialogue the exhibition aims to highlight the osmotic reciprocity between continents and over seas, to create new narrations of the visual and material culture that are precise and relative rather than universalizing and generic.


Tradu/izioni d’Eurasia RELOAD

12 April - 1 September

On the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the death of Marco Polo, the MAO presents Tradu/izioni d’Eurasia Reload, a restaging of the exhibition telling, through a new selection of ceramics, fabrics, metals and manuscripts, the story of the fascinating journey of art, culture and traditions from the Far East to the Mediterranean. A dialogue between the works coming from prestigious institutions such as the Gallerie degli Uffizi, the Biblioteca Laurenziana in Florence, the Civic Museums in Bologna and the Duca di Martina Museum of Ceramics in Naples and the site-specific works of guest of honour Yto Barrada, who has worked for a year on the objects of the museum’s collections.


Rabbit Inhabits the Moon

October 2024 – September 2025

On the occasion of the 140th Anniversary of the Diplomatic Agreement between Korea and Italy, the exhibition is intended to facilitate an intercultural exchange between the two countries, in particular rereading the legacy of artist Nam June Paik and his influence on future generations. Rabbit Inhabits the Moon creates a dialogue between certain works of art by contemporary Korean artists, part of the collection of the NJP (Nam June Paik Art Center, Seoul, Korea), and works by Italian artists of international renown, activating a dynamic dialogue reflecting the evolution of the cultural and artistic panorama of both nations.

Palazzo Madama


Two thousand years of history for a building that is unique in the world: in the 1st century the Porta Decumana of Augusta Taurinorum; in the 13th century a Medieval castle; in the 18th century a masterpiece of European Baroque; in the 19th the site of the Senate that decreed a United Italy with Rome as its capital after drawing up the Statuto Albertino, the constitutional charter that came about as a result of the European movements of 1848, ‘the spring of the peoples’ of Europe. That Europe that at Palazzo Madama saw the signing, on 18 October 1961, of the European Social Charter, the treaty of the Council of Europe that protects the rights of every individual in their daily lives.

From 1997 a UNESCO World Heritage Site, since 1934 Palazzo Madama has hosted the Civic Museum of Ancient Art with over 70,000 works from the Early Middle Ages to the Baroque: paintings, sculptures, miniated codices, majolicas and porcelains, gold and silver, furnishings and fabrics making it one of the most prestigious European collections of applied arts.

Palazzo Madama Exhibition Programme


Liberty. Torino Capitale

Until 10 June 2024
Sala Senato

Through around one hundred works, the exhibition tells the story of the fundamental role of Turin in the emergence of Liberty, an art that became the fulcrum of a history that overwhelmed every aspect of society in the capital of the Savoy dynasty.
The layout design tackles the various artistic aspects of Liberty in a wholly original and unprecedented way. In the forty years of the so-called Belle Époque, a world now without borders found its expression in an artistic-philosophical movement that with exquisite decorative elegance connected everything with soft, sinuous lines meeting and interweaving harmoniously. It was the birth of a style that found its capital in Turin.


State of Emergency by Max Pinckers

10 April – 3 June 2024
Corte Medievale

Photography (within the sphere of EXPOSED. Turin Photo Festival)
Personal re-enactments that display and stage the struggle for independence from the British colonial domination of Kenya in the 1950s, manifesting their past experiences in the present, to launch a message into the future. State of Emergency brings together fragments of colonial archives, photographs of architectural and symbolic remains of the past, sites of mass graves, demonstrations and testimonies of people who experienced and survived the war.


Change! Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, the Po

27 June 2024 – 13 January 2025
Sala Senato

Realized in collaboration with major Italian institutions, the exhibition tackles the theme of the climate crisis in a synoptic vision of the changes that have happened along the course of the River Po over thousands of years. Displaying exceptional masterpieces of painting and photography, consideration is given to certain known aspects of the climate crisis to propose a wide-ranging reflection on water as landscape, communication route, indispensable support for agricultural and industrial activity and on the consequences and possible solutions set under way in the territory by various research and safeguarding bodies.

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