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Events and exhibitions

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Discover all the activities, events and exhibitions of the Foundation's Museums.

Mary Heilmann

30 October 2024 - 15 March 2025

This will be the first exhibition in Italy to present the work of this extraordinary U.S. artist in a complete way.


Maria Morganti

30 October 2024 - 15 March 2025

The first major anthological museum exhibition devoted to one of the most influential artists on the Italian painting scene.


The Rabbit Inhabits the Moon

19 October 2024 - 23 March 2025

On the occasion of the 140th Anniversary of the Diplomatic Agreement, the exhibition is intended to facilitate an intercultural exchange


SilenzioSuono – SoundSilence

28 June 2024 - 1 September 2024

SilenzioSuono - SoundSilence è la mostra con cui si presenta al pubblico il nuovo capitolo collezionistico del Museo: 471 dischi d’artista, una collezione il cui nucleo principale fu raccolto negli anni da Giorgio Maffei e a cui la GAM ne ha aggiunti di nuovi, in una logica di accrescimento futuro della raccolta.


Teatri e teatrini. Le arti della scena tra Sette e Ottocento nelle collezioni di Palazzo Madama

20 June 2024 - 16 September 2024

Una selezione di materiali relativi alla storia del teatro, fra cui diversi nuclei di disegni scenografici provenienti dalle collezioni di Palazzo Madama

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External Exhibition

LUCA BERTOLO. L’hésitation – Mostra a Strasburgo

15 June 2024 - 8 September 2024

Un’esposizione antologica dell’opera di uno tra i più influenti pittori italiani della sua generazione in due diverse sedi in Francia, grazie ai fondi dell’Italian Council 2023.


EXPANDED – I Paesaggi dell’arte

2 May 2024 - 1 September 2024

La GAM presenta l’esposizione dedicata ad alcuni fotografi che hanno saputo restituire i molteplici aspetti dell’arte e ritrarne nel senso più ampio i suoi paesaggi composti di opere e architetture, del volto degli artisti e dei loro momenti di lavoro nello studio o nel paesaggio naturale. 

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Italo Cremona. All the rest is the depth of night

24 April 2024 - 15 September 2024

An anthological exhibition devoted to the work of Italo Cremona (1905-1979), an independent surrealist. In collaboration with the MART.


Tradu/izioni d’Eurasia Reloaded

12 April 2024 - 1 September 2024

The refurbishment of the exhibition Tradu/izioni d'Eurasia


Max Pinckers. State of Emergency. Harakati za Mau Mau kwa Haki, Usawa na Ardhi Yetu

10 April 2024 - 2 June 2024

With the exhibition State of Emergency, EXPOSED Torino Foto Festival presents  a fiction documentary project, created by photographer Max Pinckers.


La meraviglia della seta e il peltro a Torino

22 February 2024 - 28 January 2025

Una nuova tappa nella scoperta della bellezza della seta nelle collezioni tessili di Palazzo Madama e la presentazione di una recente donazione di 128 oggetti in peltro da parte degli eredi di Attilio Bonci, studioso della storia del peltro piemontese.

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Gianni Caravaggio. Per analogiam

1 November 2023 - 17 March 2024

GAM is happy to present the anthological exhibition of Gianni Caravaggio, whose work has been part of the museum’s collection since 2001. The exhibition consists of a nucleus of works created over a period of almost thirty years, from 1995 to the present. Five new works have been produced for the occasion.


Liberty. Torino Capitale

26 October 2023 - 10 June 2024

The exhibition describes, through around 100 works, the fundamental role played by Turin in consolidating Art Nouveau – known in Italian as the stile Liberty or “Liberty style”. In the Savoyard capital, this “new art” revolutionised every aspect of life and society, defining an architectural and artistic experience that, by building on the trail blazed in Turin, would spread right across the world.

Simone Forti_Illuminations

Simone Forti

20 October 2023 - 25 February 2024

GAM is happy to present an exhibition, in the spaces of the Video Collection, dedicated to Simone Forti (Florence 1935), one of the most influential artists in the development of contemporary performative practices.


HAYEZ. The romantic painter’s workshop

17 October 2023 - 1 April 2024

Art, history and politics intertwine in the major exhibition that the GAM dedicates to the romantic mastermind Francesco Hayez (Venice 1791 - Milan 1882), accompanying the public to discover the artist’s world and inside the painter’s workshop to reveal his techniques and secrets.