t-space X MAO
- Exhibition
- 26 October 2022 - 5 July 2023

The MAO has recently inaugurated a new phase, #MAOTempoPresente, which marks the opening of the Museum to artistic and creative activities through an articulated program of residencies. Performers, artists, curators and scholars will inhabit the collections and exhibition spaces, performing and "staging" the Museum.
The new project finds its place in the renovated t-space and comes from a collaboration with the homonymous space created in Milan by Giulia Spreafico and Wu Rui in 2016. Conceived as an independent art space, over the years the Milanese t-space has evolved, transforming itself into a planning and discussion space where to promote encounters and cultural exchange between founders, artists and the public.
The convivial dimension has always played a fundamental role and convivial gatherings have always represented an indispensable part of the project: a tea sipped together (the T in the name plays with the assonance with the English word tea!) can become a creative break and an opportunity for knowledge.
The t-space X MAO, a spin off of the Milanese t-space, brings to the Museum a series of projects by contemporary artists, invited to reflect and work on permanent collections to reveal new meanings and open up unprecedented possibilities for dialogue between past and present.
Among the artists who will take turns to activate the museum collections there are Italian and international directors and filmmakers, visual artists and performers such as Warshad film, Massimo Grimaldi, Fuzao Studio and Jacopo Miliani.
October 26 – December 3, 2022
IL FERVORE – Warshad film
December 16, 2022 – January 15, 2023
BANDIT QUEEN - Silvia Morin
January 20 – February 27, 2023
IL CANTO DEL CAPRO - GianMarco Porru
March 8– May 7, 2023
MONOGATARI - Massimo Grimaldi
May 12 – June 11, 2023
Jacopo Miliani
June 27 giugno – September, 2023
Fuzao Studio
Free admission.
Thanks to the sponsor Cofifast.
Project in collaboration with Claudia Carità, tea selector for The Tea Torino.