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Presentation of the exhibition I MACCHIAIOLI. Italian art moves towards modernity An exhibition in four dates: Paris 1855, Turin 1861, Florence 1867, Turin 1926.

  • Activity
  • 5 December 2018 - 6 December 2018

Presentation of the exhibition THE MACCHIAIOLI. Italian art moves towards modernity An exhibition in four dates: Paris 1855, Turin 1861, Florence 1867, Turin 1926.
edited by the  Association of Friends of the Art Library
December 5, 2018

On December 5th at 6pm, in Sala one on the ground floor, the Association of Friends of the Art Library starts its activity with a series of meetings that will have at its center the Library of the Fondazione Torino Musei and its heritage of books, documents and photographs, fundamental tools for the art historian in his relationship with the works.

The exhibitions, the researches, the books will act as the guiding thread of the conversations, with the intention of opening up to citizenship, making the Library discover and approaching a work, that of the art historian and the curator, very concrete and within reality daily, more than you can think of.

First date:

Presentation of the exhibition THE MACCHIAIOLI. Italian art moves towards modernity
An exhibition in four dates: Paris 1855, Turin 1861, Florence 1867, Turin 1926.
Speakers Virginia Bertone and Silvestra Bietoletti

On October 25, the I Macchiaioli exhibition was inaugurated. Italian art towards modernity is proving a considerable interest from the public, surpassing the 27,000 visitors in just 3 weeks. Silvestra Bietoletti and Virginia Bertone unveil some aspects of the demanding preparation work: the choice of works considered indispensable, the critical cut that renews the traditional presentation of the experience of the macchiaioli, the agreements stipulated between the museums for some of the most delicate loans and finally, the contribution of our Library of Art: all through four dates, which represent the crucial junctions of the path.

Free admission while seats are available.


The association

On May 31, 2018 the Friends of the Art Library of the Civic Museums of Turin was born - Fondazione Torino Musei.
The Library, together with the Historical Archive and the Photographic Archive, is a reference point for the community of all students and professionals linked to the art world who live in Turin and throughout Northern Italy: teachers, teachers, researchers, curators, museum conservators, restorers, artists, journalists, publishers, antique dealers, gallery owners, professionals of popularization linked to cultural and tourist initiatives.
The Board of Directors of the Association reflects this variegated world of art: Mattia Azeglio (Student UniTo), Simone Baiocco (Conservator Palazzo Madama), Giorgina Bertolino (Art Historian), Aurora Laurenti (Art Historian), Simone Mattiello ( Antiquarian), Riccardo Passoni (Director of GAM and Director of Art Library), Maria Teresa Roberto (Teacher Accademia Albertina), Bruno Signorelli (President Spaba), Gelsomina Spione (Professor of UniTo).
The association, which has as its primary purpose to defend, increase and enhance the heritage of the Library, has set itself two objectives:
* to strengthen the specialist character that makes the Library an excellence, starting and supporting research projects and digitization of some special funds;
* enhance the heritage through public initiatives that open the Library to a wide audience (reading groups, book presentations, conferences), also participating in the many initiatives organized by the City.

The next events scheduled for 18.00 in Sala Uno:

Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Reading exercises. Books, albums, catalogs
Presentation of the book by Paolo Mussat Sartor, Industrial Sanctuaries, Maschietto publisher 2018
by Pier Giovanni Castagnoli

Wednesday, January 9, 2019 - Wunderkammer
How the exhibitions are born. Research, archives, comparisons
Presentation of the exhibition Apollinaire and the "surréaliste" invention
The sur-real grace: life and miracles of art by Guillaume Apollinaire.
A story told and sung by Luca Scarlini

Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Living of (history of) art. Professions, themes, tools
The frame as an ornament and decoration
Bear Maria Piavento, Baroque decorations for Renaissance altars
Aurora Laurenti, Function and models of rococo frames

Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Reading exercises. Books, albums, catalogs
Presentation of the book by Dieter Roth, Pages, edited by Elena Volpato, FLAT 2018

Wednesday 6 February 2019
How the exhibitions are born. Research, archives, comparisons
Presentation of the exhibition Madame Reali : culture and power from Paris to Turin. Cristina of France and Giovanna Battista of Savoia Nemours (1619-1724)

Speakers: Clelia Arnaldi di Balme and Paola Ruffino with Alessandra Giovannini Luca

Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Living of (history of) art. Professions, themes, tools
The objects of art from the shops to the museum
Giampaolo Distefano, Medieval enamels: use and reuse
Luca Giacomelli, The nineteenth-century ceramics of Palazzo Madama