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On the occasion of the exhibition "I Bizantini. Alba e tramonto di un impero" at the Museo Archeologico di Napoli from 1 December to 10 April 2023, Palazzo Madama loan the following works:

  • Late Roman art, Fibula in solid silver of the crossbow type, 6th century, silver, 11.3x3x3.5 cm, inv. 380/A
  • Late Roman art, Golden fibula with handle, of the "Zwibelknopffibel" type, 5th century, gold, 7.2x4x2.7 cm, inv. 12/ORI

The artworks on loan

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Late Roman art, Fibula in solid silver of the crossbow type, 6th century, silver, 11.3x3x3.5 cm, inv. 380/A

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Late Roman art, Golden fibula with handle, of the "Zwibelknopffibel" type, 5th century, gold, 7.2x4x2.7 cm, inv. 12/ORI