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Drop by drop life falls from the sky. Water, Islam and Art in Sharjah

The exhibition “Drop by drop life falls from the sky. Water, Islam and Art”, organized at the MAO in 2019, arrives in the Emirate of Sharjah, where it will be presented from 9 June to 11 December 2021 at the Sharjah Museum of Islamic Civilization.

As part of the strong bilateral ties between the United Arab Emirates and Italy, the Fondazione Torino Musei has entered into close collaboration with the Sharjah Museums Authority to propose the exhibition in a renewed version.

Through the display of over 120 works from prestigious Italian public and private collections, with important contributions from the MAO, Palazzo Madama, the GAM and the permanent collections of the Sharjah Museum of Islamic Civilization, the exhibition illustrates the historical development of the many roles covered from water and the incarnation of its meanings in Islamic art and artifacts, to dissolve in a narrative through images, artifacts, books and miniatures: technology, daily life and art, which for centuries have been reflected in the many different uses of 'water.